© 2009 amber

Recent Publications: Design NY

Earlier this year, I had a few photos published in the 2009 edition of Design NY magazine. The shoot was for a NY interior designer, Carol Schaper, who had fully designed a 12,000 Ft. Myers Beach house. Needless to say, the place was gorgeous! I also had the pleasure of working with Kat and Phil from Kat’s Meow Studio who had done all the artwork and finishes in the home. The result was a 2-page article highlighting Carol’s work on this project. Here is article:


  1. Posted October 17, 2009 at 9:57 pm | #

    So proud of you Amber! :)

  2. Posted April 26, 2010 at 12:42 am | #

    Yes indeed a nice opportunity to shoot a groovy location! Sincere congrats!