© 2010 amber 14LRLR

Amy + Pat: Punta Gorda, FL

Amy and Pat were married on a beautiful Florida October day at Amy’s Uncle’s home outside Punta Gorda, Florida. The day before had been quite sunny and humid, but the wedding day was blessed with fluffy clouds and a light breeze. Amy and Pay live in Chicago and many had to travel to attend the wedding. I think everyone was glad they made the trip because it was a gorgeous wedding!

Amy’s dress was unbelievably stunning. I have seen a lot of wedding dresses in my day, and I was immediately taken with it. Once Amy put the dress on, it was even better, it was though it were made just for her.

Pat, Pat’s brother, Mike, and Amy’s Uncle Tom wait before the ceremony begins. Uncle Tom was the officiant and did a spectacular job. My favorite ceremonies are ones with a good blend of humor and emotion, and this one had a heavy dose of both.

We had such beautiful light this day for portraits. Combine that with a gorgeous background and a fantastic couple, and you have a very happy photographer!

The reception and cocktail hour were set up outside next to a small lake on the property. The canopy of trees and the color scheme for the wedding worked beautifully with the outdoor setting.

We snuck away for a few more portraits as the sun was getting low.

And of course, portraits with Elle were a must!

The reception was just lovely! The speeches given by Mike and Pat were particularly moving and had the whole place rolling with laughter.

Congratulations, Amy and Pat!!